Lots of clients visiting us in July and August ask for advice from our Bristol hairdressers on hair hydration in Summer.
So we thought it would be a good time of the year to devote a blog post on the best ways to keep hair moisturised and hydrated in the Summer heat.

Our team of hair care experts in central Bristol recommend using high-quality hair hydration products and treatments regularly throughout the year.
Hair can get dried out, brittle and damaged at any time, but it is generally more prone to this in the warmer, drier, hotter months of Summer.
Our top three in-salon hair hydration products are:
Moroccan Oil Repair Shampoo & Conditioner set
As one of the most popular brands in the world for hair hydration and hair care products, Moroccan Oil is a well-trusted name at our Bristol salon.
Moroccan Oil Repair Shampoo and Conditioner sets have been one of the best-selling combination packs to be stocked at our Baldwin Street salon.
Moroccan Oil Intense Hydration Mask
This superb hydration mask from Moroccan Oil is another winning hair care product and is perfect for helping your hair cope with hot, dry weather.
L’Oreal Serie Expert Blondifier
This professional range of five different products from L’Oreal in their amazing Serie Expert range provides a tailor-made hair care solution for blond hair.
Blondifier products are designed to revive the blonde colour and to keep hair shiny, radiant and nourished throughout the whole Summer in Bristol.
All the above hair hydration products are available while stocks last.
If you’d like more information about the Summer hair hydration products and treatments offered at our Baldwin Street hair salon in central Bristol, please feel free to get in touch here.